I plead with all of you, for the sanity of administrators everywhere, to please fill out forms as completely and accurately as possible. If you can't figure out how, attach something that explains why you left it blank. Don't just fucking skip over things. Because then, a week before your paperwork goes before Very Important People, during the week when it's just been discovered that the next Very Important Meeting has been cancelled and paperwork that doesn't make it to this one won't go anywhere for five months and thus the administrators are suddenly processing sixty new forms right up against the deadline, a very hassled administrator will have to track you down while you're doing Very Important Things and get an answer about the piddly little shit question you left blank, which neither of you actually cares about but which, for reasons unknowable to mortal men, will keep your Very Important Paperwork from going to the Very Important Meeting.
Not that this has happened to me.