I could get a condo in my neighborhood that's about the size of my current apartment (~550 sq. ft.) for ~150k. Which isn't that bad, considering it's a nice, established, middle-class neighborhood that's a 15 minute drive from RTP (ie, where many of the jobs are). So you might think that I'd be a fool a) not to buy and b) to be job hunting elsewhere.
But then, if I mention to you that I'm trying to get back into teaching for the considerable increase in salary that would entail . . .
I think I shall live in a Zeppelin and roam the earth.
I hear you can get a hydrogen filled one cheap.
Make sure it's filled with helium!
I am very pro people buying places together - with friends and shit. Iknow some friends in CO who did it. They had a contract drawn up between them wehere the other one would be offered right of first refusal should either want to sell and it allowed them both to build up equity until they could each afford their own place. Certainly not the plan for everyone (and not a situation that co-op board like mine would go for), but it worked for them and I thought it was a great alternative.
Make sure it's filled with helium!
And then phone us regularly.
Make sure it's filled with helium!
Heh. Maybe I could be a super-villian who always speaks in a high-pitched voice from inhaling helium.
You could probably own one in Eastern Washington now. The question is, will you own a house in a place you'd actaully want to live?
Sigh. Yeah, true, that's the problem.
What $650K get you in New Orleans: [link]
(That's a really tony neighborhood, not quite St. Charles Ave, but pretty exclusive)