Seriously, I love the title because I'm tired of the "Aren't we so damned cleverness" that comes into the titling of threads.
Anyhow, my work here is done. Onward to sleepy time.
Alibelle, if you don't hear from me on Sat AM about Sunday, then call me.
Also, aww. I appreciate that you'd miss me, Plei.
But I do not make people lost. I don't! Well, I gave Sean crappy directions once, but he promised not to hold it against me. Otherwise, it has NOT BEEN MY FAULT that there were getting lost issues.
So, Plei, Alibelle herself does not get lost. She just gets other around her lost.
I'm still not sure I'd trust her not to get lost on her own. Though I suppose it's possible that she's one of those freaks who can do, but not teach.
I can do that Kat! Night!
I'm still not sure I'd trust her not to get lost on her own. Though I suppose it's possible that she's one of those freaks who can do, but not teach.
I think I am one of those freaks.
But again. I don't make them lost! I just sit there. Silently. Not doing anything!
Alibelle got #1 and #10.
She kicks ass.
I also got 9999, I believe. It is totally my awesome number night.
Ima slut a number... Cause I can. Now I need to go and skip and skim the last Natter...
sending out the ma~~~ to Emmett and family
and saying whoo hooo -- I am early in this thread
The end of the last natter is really riveting stuff, Cass. You're going to want to pay close attention to it.