Only if you insist on doing the math right. Freak.
You know what would be nice? If my movers weren't big fat doodoo heads who keep changing me what they are telling me and fucking with my schedule.
the likelyhood of being stalked is not as great as some people would make it out to be, is all I meant.
The likelihood, when combined with the impact is enough for me -- I don't want someone to read the random stuff I post here, get an impression, and find me too easily.
It's like deciding where to park my car, and if I'm going to lock it or not.
I don't care if you leave yours unlocked, but it's no skin off my nose to not park in the dark alley.
I just don't give strangers my full name and/or address information unless it's in a service capacity. My number is unlisted, and blocked on caller ID. I have been harassed
too much to want to make it too easy for the next guy.
It's good that you haven't been exposed to 'net (and other) weirdos with delusions of closeness. I have, and continue to be.
I do insist, you anonymous weirdo.
Perkins is being all taunty about the sushi. Damn, I miss sushi. Forget about champagne, I wanted sushi after the baby was born. I'm starting to crave it again. Or rather, I was craving it until this stupid stomach flu made the thought of food kinda gross.
it's because you're so approachable and welcoming, ita. curse of the kindhearted softies.
it's because you're so approachable and welcoming, ita
Apparently just not in person. I need to tweak my teaching style again.
Less with the butching it up.
BF was stalked for 5 years. Scary. Also-I know she would google him excessively, because she monitored his career changes.
I know lots of databases aren't very secure against determined information theives, but average stalker is not also a hacker, and I just want all my personal info not to be available to someone with reasonable Google skills.
To be sure, I only mean to apply my internet philosphies to myself, which ultimately sort of defeats the purpose, I guess. And yes, I might sing a different tune if freakass people started hounding me. But this works for me, for now.
I need to tweak my teaching style again.
Have you considered wearing a pink bunny costume?