Stalker threats are overblown anyway.
Oy. I've already been stalked, in a relatively minimal way, and no. I don't think it's overblown at all.
Standing by what one says isn't the issue. I don't think it comes into your average stalked female scenario at all.
My whole not using my name on LJ has nothing to do with the strength of my convictions. I don't want to be taken a shine to by someone who shows up on my doorstep.
Having had my personal information given to a retailer
used -- yes, it's a possibility, and yes, I try to mitigate it by not sharing too much too casually with people who get my name and number for other reasons.
As for out here, on the internet -- I'm not unhard to find IRL. But if you do come find me, it's somewhere I feel most secure.
Seekrit message for ita:
SUSHI, in T minus 4 hours.
My mom has gone to visit her friend in Orange County for two days, Got my house to myself (Okay, and the BF and the dog and the cats).
Love my mom, but hostessing gets oooold.
HE likes YOU.
Jason Mewes? Or Paul Walker? It will totally affect my planned course of action. At least for a night.
T-5, right?
Also, here's my credit card number:
Pish, like you have credit.
There are lots of reasons to protect one's identity online. Starting with your
your family, your family's jobs....
Which is not to be all Wolfram's a doo-doo head or anything, I just felt the need to wax on about my bizarre personal internt philosphies.
and this:
he liiiikes you. he wants to kiiiisss you.
Weirdest cross-post ever.