Note to Kate's file, for reference with future boyfriends: Not So Bendy.
Hey now, I'm well within the normal range of, uh, bendiness. Just stating that one need not be blessed with extraordinary flexibility to use squat toilets.
Also, she's right off the ballet team!
This is probably accurate, though.
I think they're easy enough for me to use, but when people miss (and, lo, they did) it's so much worse.
How so? Even then, it's on the floor, and the only part of you coming in contact with it (hopefully) is the bottom of your shoe. Which is gross, for sure, but way less gross than sitting on it. Basically, I like squat toilets because they allow you to hover above the toilet at a safe distance rather than letting your Delicate Bits get dirty.
oops, sorry. I am happy to move on from the Great Toilet Debate. Also, it seems that Jessica has already made my points for me.
Perkins it is lovely, but we are expecting more rain this weekend.
ita is barely on the list- hanging by a thread.
ita is barely on the list- hanging by a thread.
Does that mean I get her place in the cute guy line?
Lo, I do not control that list.
Why more rain? Why?!? We had PLENTY of March showers.
I am ALL JACKED UP on vanilla diet coke. Class is going to be FUN!!!!!!!!!
Because it is God's will. Now shut up and be thankful.
t dies laughing at ita
Um. Well. The weather. It's decent. Seasonal. Maybe a little chilly. Kinda gray but not presently rainy.
And, um, damn, those gas prices sure are getting high! I saw $2.41 for regular yesterday.
Um um 'bout those M's? Won a game, so they did. Saw it with my own eyes.
No more rain or snow, please.
Knows Spring Will Laugh
Actually, the NWS is predicting that this weekend will be nice: [link]
Unless, you know, it means that the weather's going to be nice in Brooklyn only, and it will suck in Queens.