It is a bee-yoo-tee-ful day outside, and I just had a nice walk and then sat on my front steps talking on the phone. And it's only 1 pm! I am more glad than ever that I didn't force myself to go to the post office on Saturday, when it was all apocalyptic outside.
Oh no, Peter Jennings.
Oh no! Will I ever get my chance to be Mrs. Jennings #8??
Oh, a little earworm never killed anyone.
Butch it up.
Which is my new favourite phrase. Butch it up, butch it up, butch it up.
I had a boss who wanted me to hang a whiteboard. He started out by asking me if I was butch.
Which is my new favourite phrase. Butch it up, butch it up, butch it up.
Is there a little dance that goes with this? I bet there is.
I am good. need lunch now, but otherwise ok.
teaspoon state = punchy.
I have an Uncle Butch, "butch it up" does not seem right.
Also, my neighbor's cousin's sister died of earworm, so there.
"Butch it up" makes me think of my dad in the 50s with his little flattop all butch-waxed up. Edit: Actually, my dad used to go by Butch. Shh! Don't tell.
I have a brother-in-law Butch. Butching it up would mean something different.
I had an Uncle Butch and also a Nana Butch.
Is there a little dance that goes with this? I bet there is.
So far, there are only derisive facial expressions, but I have a couple ideas to expand on.
I need lunch now too. I decided no country potato second breakfast, but an apple instead, and I'm ravenous.
my neighbor's cousin's sister died of earworm, so there
Yes, but she was a loser.
I need to buy a present for a three year old girl I don't know much about. Except the mother is my best friend, so I know that most of the things I think of, she'll already have thought of. So far, my gifts have been Jamaican, or had a krav logo on. I can just be that aunt, can't I? The one that gives krav stuff? Well -- given my schedule, it's either that or logoed swag from my desk job.
ita, if she's three, everything you give her will get stained, lost, flushed, or broken, if her folks let her anywhere near it, anyhow. The threes are (ime) more terrible than twos ever thought of being.