That's what I did! See, I moved the education to the bottom when I thought people wouldn't really care about my degree anymore, professionally. But now it matters again, I guess.
Yup. My general rule as a resume writer is that if you're currently in school at any level or are less than three years out, education goes on top.
But I'm dying of curiosity. How does one get a cast attached to one's nose? Is it actually plaster, or is it more like bandages? Are the other kids impressed? Do they sign nose casts, or just arms and legs? Are nose ones colored, like most other ones now, or white?
It's a regular white plaster cast. It's shaped to the nose. There's tape in the cast, and tape on top of the cast. It's just taped down on to the cheeks, which worked pretty well until Monday morning. Since then we've been picking it up and taping it back on every two minutes. The kids at the school were staring at him - a little more gawking than admiring. No signing the cast since putting pressure on the nose is counter productive to the healing. Also, very little space.
I'm so tickled that you're saving the cast.
I'm thinking maybe a shadowbox with a little old fashioned typed up scientific type tag, except saying, "Emmett broke his nose March 23, 2005. He was a trooper." Emmett wants black velvet backing.
I am BORED BORED BORED with the deadness of the Pope. This is as bad as the late Princess of Wales, the page after page of after-coverage that adds no new information.
It isn't that the death of the Pope wasn't news; it is. But the space between the death of the Pope and funeral services for the Pope is a minor news event, or should be.
I am BORED BORED BORED with the deadness of the Pope.
Yeah, it's pretty boring. He just seems to lay there....
Betsy, I get the feeling they're treading water until the election of the new Pope.
I'm pretty much BORED BORED BORED with all nonstop blanket coverage, for just that reason. Something actually newsworthy happens -- and then for a long time, doesn't. Shut up in between, people.
This is as bad as the late Princess of Wales
No it isn't.
(Signed, STILL getting requests for frigging Diana funeral footage, but haven't recieved a single Pope request yet, THANK GODS.)
Something actually newsworthy happens -- and then for a long time, doesn't. Shut up in between, people.
I don't know if I can agree with this enough. Is there a petition I can sign?
I get all kind of questions in my capacity as as HR/Admin/Building Manager person. Here is the latest:
Manager Girl: I need you to order something.
ME: Okay, what?
Manager Girl (holds out stapler) This is broken. I have bad luck with staplers. This is the third one to break.
Me: (takes stapler, opens it) Ah, well, you've put the staples in upside down. The pointy parts go on the bottom. There you go.
Manager Girl: Can you get me a new one?
Me: (thinking fast) Let's trade staplers. You can have mine.
Manager Gril: Are you sure? Because I was having trouble with that one.