flea, clearly kill the other guy.
I have a resume question: Should I put my little part-time jobs at the top of my resume, or leave my last full-time job there? I can't decide if it looks worse if I haven't worked since July, or if I'm a part-time assistant.
I have a resume question: Should I put my little part-time jobs at the top of my resume, or leave my last full-time job there?
I'd put the part time jobs in, especially if they're related to what you want to do. The fact that you've taken on part time work also shows that you've got a decent work ethic, IMO.
Also, the currently in school thing will be on the resume, right? That will explain the lack of a full-time job.
Yeah, so should I put the "education" section up top, due to being a current student?
I have "Education" at the top of my resume, fwiw.
Jesse, you can also make it a functional resume, which highlights the skills you've picked up rather than your job history.
Flea - your little girl is just adorable!
Ugh, yeah, I know I'm supposed to be doing a functional resume with the school career services person. But at the moment, I'm going to go with good enough, since I want to send it to someone now.
I usually see the education on top, then the full and part time experience.
Speaking of resumes and such, I have to place ads to hire a few more people and the prices at Monster and Career Builders are crazy! Last time I used CB, but I'm looking for alternatives.
Jesse, put the education first, so they know that you are a student, then the part time stuff, so they see that you can time manage.