ION, I am in love with my new vacuum cleaner. One pass, and it sucked up a truly appalling amount of dog hair and dust from the carpet.
My question now is - how did anybody buy anything before the internets?
I looked at vacuums at Bed Bath and a couple of other places the other day, picked a couple that looked good, and then went home to check them out. The one I was really leaning toward had very mixed reviews. In the course of searching, though, I found another for not much more money that was getting pretty much across the board raves - bagless, HEPA filter, the works. Then I searched around a bit and found it somewhere when it ended up costing me exactly the price of the other one, including shipping. Less, actually, since I didn't have to pay the sales tax.
Now I just have to see if I can get my sister to take my crappy old one off my hands, and all will be well.
Wow! I have 3 vacuums and they all don't suck the way I would like them to. Mostly I have tile and the need to get pet hair bunnies from corners. It should be easier.
Kristin! Congrats on the big news for this summer.
Although when I first read it, I was like "Brian Wilson and Audioslave are touring together?" The congitive dissonance was enormous.
how did anybody buy anything before the internets?
I think it involved
t shudder
Hee. Thanks Frank. The Brian Wilson one is a done deal. The Audioslave looks really good but isn't in stone yet. A tour together...huh. How would you market that?
My parents probably still have a foot out at their place. It's crazy how just an hour away can make such a difference.
Although we have bare patches in our yard, most of it still has at least a few inches. The three foot high bank at the end of our driveway is going to last another month, unless there are a couple of good days of rain. I still can't let the kids walk home from school, because the sidewalk on our street is too deep with snow.
I um...
kind of like
March, though.
Vortex, congrats! Being an Aunt to a tiny goddess seems quite fitting.
brenda, what kind of vacuum is it?
This is what I got. Hundred bucks, including shipping. Can't beat that with a stick.
Thanks! I'm ready to beat my current vacuum with a stick so I'll definitely check that one out after work today.
Which reminds me, I should probably go blow-dry my hair and figure out what I'm going to wear today.
Joss would not do this to us, would he?
According to a report in today's Herald Sun, Brandon Davis's hot-water bottle, Mischa Barton, is another on Warner's "Wonder Woman" wish-list.
I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.