EW had a spoiler about the Washington character that was also teh hot. Not as hot as a greased cage match, but still, hot
Is it the one where his character
boffs Christina?
I'm kinda looking forward to that.
I wanted a chai latte this morning, from the work caf, but they can't be trusted. So I'm having country potatoes, bacon, sausage, salsa and cheese instead.
Okay, you can trust them on that. It's pretty good.
Yep, that's the one, ita.
That does sound like a good breakast. Not as good as my ginger cookies, but probably healthier.
am hungry. need to go out for lunch.
am cursing stupid print job.
I was sorry to hear he had died and all, and hope for the best for him, but I didn't feel the need to hear endless rehashing.
I hate the wall to wall coverage stuff of anything-- 9/11, Terri Schiavo, the Pope's death, whatever. I hate it all, even if it's something about which I want some information.
(The exception might be the wall to wall local coverage when the Red Sox won the world series.)
However, anytime might be cookie time. You never can tell, with cookies.
I don't have the link, but Cookie Monster is going health food. The PTBs have decided that he needs to eat more veggies to be a good role model.
Question for y'all: What should I buy my friend for a wedding gift? I looked through their registry, but it's all stuff I can't afford, and seems geared much more towards Rich Relatives than Poor Friends. What's a good, fairly cheap, but not careless gift? Bear in mind also that this is an ex-boyfriend with whom I have a good but not overinvolved relationship (read: we email or talk on the phone a few times a year).
About Grey's Anatomy, once
the rapist was brought into the hospital, wouldn't they be legally and ethically obligated to at least try reattaching his penis rather than confiscating it for evidence? I can see a whole lot of doctors losing their medical licenses over that little application of the Code of Hammurabi
V is for veggies, dat's good enough for...Screw dat. Where Bert? He da uptight one.
I don't have the link, but Cookie Monster is going health food. The PTBs have decided that he needs to eat more veggies to be a good role model.
Cracking me up. Is Captain Vegetable on Sesame Street anymore?