You sure? I can do other nights too.
I teach Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, and fly to Vancouver Friday.
So Tuesday it is.
They will just have to learn to live without me hitting them in their heads one more week.
Why am I not asleep yet??? Stop engaging me!
I am caught up.
Happy Birthday Tom.
I am posting from a 30" LCD TV. Which has an annoying
I broke down and drank the caffeine. I have to be up at 5:45 for work anyway, so getting up earlier isn't likely to happen. I think I'm just going to have to deal with being short of sleep tomorrow and aim for a nap tomorrow evening.
On the plus side, the caffeine is already helping.
If it makes you feel better Kristin, instead of going to bed early I'm doing some more grading. So we are still comrades! (But no caffeine for me.)
Yay, comrades! Feh, up late, though.
Finished a draft of the thing and sent it off. Good enough for now. Too tired to focus any longer. I have to get up in five hours, and tomorrow is not going to be pretty.
Due to standardized testing, I have no plan period. I teach three classes in a row and then proctor a technology test for two hours without a break. Oh, and I get to do this with the backdrop of a school in mourning for the two graduates who died Friday.
Oh ick.
eek! How did they die? Car accident?
Yeah. I vented about it in my LJ, but I haven't had the energy to bring it up over here. Three former students, two of whom died. The third is in critical condition. Two of the three have younger siblings who are seniors at the school still. Tomorrow is going to be really rough.
I hope your tomorrow goes well, Kristin. Mine will probably go much better if I hit the hay soon, so I'm going to give that a try. I did some good couch potato work tonight -- BSG, Deadwood, and got a little bit done around my place. Laundry pile is diminished.
I hit people with sticks on Saturday, and it was a good day, but my achilles tendon (the one I injured in August) is stiff and sore today. I'm hoping this isn't going to be chronic, but this isn't a good sign. Saturday was also March II: The Abomination. Here's hoping that the snow and freezing rain was just a parting shot, since the weather forecast is supposed to be decent for this week.
I'm sorry, Kristin. I'm sure it's rough on the whole school.
Okay, I'm for bed. Five hours is better than none, and I don't even think the Coke is going to keep me up for it. I'm wiped. Goodnight all--good luck grading, Burrell.