It's pouring here too. In a tropical deluge kind of way. The front doors were blowing open so we put a couple of weights in front of them. It's quite dramatic and the flowers and grass are most grateful.
It won't last long. I have to get my act together. This afternoon I'm picking up MIL and driving cross state to visit with my family. I'll wait until the rain ends.
from back a ways, Welcome Weirdfrog! this is where I waste all of my time, years of it!
Sean, so sorry for your bad day, if there were something I could do from KC let me know and I'll do it!
Soccer moms, khakis and polo or twill shirts and Keds.They are called Soccer moms because they spend their days ferrying the kids to games and watching and sometimes coaching them. Definitly not skirt and heels activities!
OK, so I got up at 7 and shot the cat and read the paper and then went back to bed around 8:30. And didn't get back up until 11:30, and I still thought it was earlier, it was so dark.
No rain here, but otherwise, that's my morning exactly. Ok, no cat shooting either, though I did throw something at the dog when she tried to get me back up.
No skirts, but I do see culottes on occasion. And yes keds, because kicking back the stray ball is sometimes ouchy in sandals.
My cats encourage me to go back to bed. Then they pin me there. So it is all their fault.
My cats have decided that since I'm here all the time these days, I clearly want to be used as a jungle gym.
Y'all aren't very chatty this morning.
Nice to meet you, weirdfrog.
I'm sorry you had such a crap day, Sean.
I just ordered pizza. I love pizza.
Alibelle and Pizza, sittin' in a tree.
Could we be sitting in a super cool Swiss Family Robinson treehouse?
I just got all geared up to head off to the post office,'s only open til 1 on Saturday. Oops.