My mom bought him a new bookcase, because Auntie has gone a little nuts with the books. I also sent a bunch Kat gave me to send.
My mom says that it's a "someone is playing complete attention to me" thing. They're curled in your lap, and you're reading to the little one, and the world just sort of stops. There's all kinds of sensory input, voice, imagination, pages turning, colorful pictures.
I dunno what it is, but I know that since I'm so far away, being the fairybookauntie is the best I can do. Feeds his big huge bowling ball of a head with goodness.
Also? Books are easy to wrap and ship cross-country (another long distance aunt here!).
So I showed up for rehearsal today and discovered that I'm doing a show with John Malkovich. That was unexpected.
should be punished for using perfectly good air for evil
Maybe that's why they want to get rid of the perfectly good air (and water).
So I showed up for rehearsal today and discovered that I'm doing a show with John Malkovich.
Tell him I said 'Hi'.
When he asks who I am, just say, "Some weird guy. You've never met him."
Timelies, Beautifuls! Personally, I think if you know the kind of books the person would enjoy, books are the perfect present.
Unless it's a book completely outside their genre. Then it's the hell present, because you never finish the book, and you feel guilty because it was a gift from a much beloved family member. Every time you try t read it, it's so awful you flee, and the guilt cycle begins again, where the guilt forces you to try just one more time. Hoping it's not as bad as you thought. Then the book gets all, "Ha! I suck like Fangurl33098^^!!!!!!1!!" Than, you are left with remorse. And extra guilt at not finishing said gift book.
That's very cool, aurelia.
So I showed up for rehearsal today and discovered that I'm doing a show with John Malkovich.
Oooh! Oooh! When he walks in for the first time, anything you all say to him you should just say "malkovitch, malkovitch, MALKOVITCH"
I hear he loves that.
Jon Stewart was mocking Malkovich the other night. Saying he was crazier than Daniel Day Lewis.
Oooh! Oooh! When he walks in for the first time, anything you all say to him you should just say "malkovitch, malkovitch, MALKOVITCH"
Too late. I pretty much left it at "hi" and "thank you" when he held the door for me.
Jon Stewart was mocking Malkovich the other night. SAying her was crazier than Daniel Day Lewis.
I guess I'll just have to work with DDL next so I can compare.
Have you seen DDL lately? He and Malkovich are hard to tell apart.