That would be great, Kat. Charisse is going to visit the dealership on Saturday morning but, other than that, the weekend is pretty wide open.
Though I am waiting to hear the status of our termite meeting. But, if we haven't received notice by now, I'm thinking it won't be until next weekend.
ETA: HA. Amazon just sent me an email with showtimes for Sin City.
Also, did anyone catch Clive Owen on Charlie Rose?
I did. He was pretty good. (And HOTT as usual.) He talked about Sin City and Closer. And once again denied the James Bond thing.
On Waldman, I just get the sense that she doesn't have the sense to have any boundaries. I wouldn't want to be her husband or her kids.
I like how he denies the Bond thing. And he called it... it's a combo of the tux from Croupier and the BMW driving.
Sunday AM maybe? I'm about the cheap show. I'll check dates and then LJ em since my email is getting all squatty again.
Dawn, I was thinking of you on the boat in the rain. Ugh. We're good, thanks for asking.
That was so not Syd
- most obvious Alias stunting ever. JG must really suck.
Many of the reactions to Ayelet are way...intense.
I don't mind a wait for a Prius, because I promised myself no new car in 2005.
I know! It made me laugh, ita. But it could have been her and Vaughn at the end.
It depends. Did you use a glue gun?
Now that you mention it, yeah, I guess so.
Has Alias been renewed for next year?
Random: I want to give someone the nickname of Chango. Or get a monkey so I can call him Chango.
Does chango mean monkey? This would explain why Chango puts monkeys on the mimosas.
Clive was nummy on Charlie Rose. He struck me as not only polished but smart. But I did not watch that to hear Charlie Rose talk! Do not interrupt your guests!
Survivor: there is a new motherfucking man in town.
Someone accessible tell me they still have the Clive Rose.
But I did not watch that to hear Charlie Rose talk! Do not interrupt your guests!
I used to love Charlie Rose until someone pointed out to me how much he tries to put words into other peoples mouths. Now it's all I can notice.