Perkins, I taped
and may actually watch it before I go to bed. I forgot there was no new OC tonight.
Now I think I may actually get all the way dressed for the first time today just so I can go over to the Grove and have a Moroccan mint latte thing.
JEALOUS over the just getting dressed thing!
Heh. The Friday of the weekend that Perkins and SA visited, I stayed in my pajamas for all but -- what? 3 hours, maybe? I got dressed only b/c sushi was the payoff.
Yeah. That. I get it. But still, this episode seems to be lots of
roll switching.
Also, the hepatitis line is funny as hell.
I got dressed only b/c sushi was the payoff.
See, I wouldn't get dressed if I didn't get paid. I'm going out to dinner tonight and there will be cake and convo with good people, enough to compell me to change out of my comfy jammies..
Perkins! I'm just getting dressed, too! If you bother, that is.
My Sistah!
Perkins, I taped Eyes, and may actually watch it before I go to bed. I forgot there was no new OC tonight.
I think it is worth it. Also, Tim Daly is pretty.
I like my clothes. And showering. I'd totally get dressed.
He *is* pretty. Oooh! The John Stamos show is on tonight! HE'S pretty!
I like my dress and showering. But I also love my jammies. It's the first thing I do when I get home. Change.
Random: I want to give someone the nickname of Chango. Or get a monkey so I can call him Chango.
I showered, and put on clothes. Just not clothes I would leave the house in.
I watched
and enjoyed the ending quite a bit. A.J. Langer is, unsurprisingly, utterly marvelous, in a very muted low-key way. Which is itself nice, as she's put in a lot of time playing colorfully damaged free spirits and it's fun to see how beautifully she can also be small and still and precise.
I change into jammies when I get home from work, but otherwise, no rush. And sometimes I just sleep in what I was wearing out anyway, if there's enough stretch.