In a live poll today on MSNBC (admittedly non-scientific) they asked if people thought that congress actually cared about Terri Schiavo, or if they were just pushing their own agenda.
The results were 89% to 11% that these politicians were just pushing their own agenda.
Although it is, as Steph points out, to early to say this, and proclamations of this sort have been made and been wrong before, this time I think that, between Social Security and Terri Schiavo, the right has finally stepped on some land mines that might actually do some damage.
I just found out that a co-worker who sits kitty corner from me has co-written a play that's being put on by the Factory Theater in Chicago (and is being directed by Nick Digilio, the WGN radio host who has done some fun interviews with Tim Minear and other Wonderfalls/Firefly related people). I popped my head up to verify the info, and Mr. Shy here was all "I don't like to self-promote, but yeah, that's me."
Although it is, as Steph points out, to early to say this, and proclamations of this sort have been made and been wrong before, this time I think that, between Social Security and Terri Schiavo, the right has finally stepped on some land mines that might actually do some damage.
I hope. Oh I hope.
[eta: And if I remember, I'll whip up a VAST LIBERAL CONSPIRACY t-shirt tonight on CafePress.]
Article on Steve Carell and the American version of
The Office:
In the upcoming movie "Bewitched," he's practical joker Uncle Arthur, a character etched in the original TV series by Paul Lynde. In the planned film version of another classic TV series, "Get Smart," he'll also step into the shoes of a well-known character -- inept spy Maxwell Smart, first played by Don Adams.
[eta: And if I remember, I'll whip up a VAST LIBERAL CONSPIRACY t-shirt tonight on CafePress.]
It'd be funny with a line of smaller text underneath saying "Member #793,021", or some such.
Actually, I can easily see Carrell as something of a comedic heir to Don Adams.
I want to get one of those "card-carrying member of a reality based community" t-shirts!