I need to be informed about this stuff, even if it's stuff I never want to imagine would happen to me or mine, because it very well might one day.
Yes, this is true but I'd honestly rather get the message through a sappy episode of ER than from what should've been one family's personal (and private) tragedy. Once the family brought the courts into it, it became news but it didn't have to become spectacle.
Note to Jim: boy won't it suck next time your party isn't in power, and someone pulls unbelieveable crap on you that you've advocated pulling on other people.
Republicans not in power? I don't understand. But then, I grew up in Kansas.
I forgive you your brainwashing, Gud.
Cindy - they let him in and she did get it on Easter Sunday.
Okay, thanks Aimee. Sorry for the mix up. That must be the one time her priest gave it to her, then (after the tube was removed, I mean).
Sanjay Gupta, I think.
Thanks, Nutty. That's him. Someone I know works with someone named Sanjay, and every time I see the name of the TV Doc, I mess up on the last names.
(Note to Jim: boy won't it suck next time your party isn't in power, and someone pulls unbelieveable crap on you that you've advocated pulling on other people.)
My word, I'm afraid to click the links.
But, more importantly to my Very Shallow Self: old stock Charles of the Ritz Power Foundation in Paper White, aka, the powder foundation every Gothlet who could get away with it was wearing 12 years ago. Squee! Ahem. The black and pink compact is giving me flashbacks to my youth, it has the same Interestingly Pale effect as remembered, and best of all, I have THREE MORE compacts of the stuff en route.
(And yes, I alerted Jilli. And yes, she also picked some up.)
And I'm currently trying to decide if I want to order a second one. I'm also spending my work day playing with a doll-maker avatar site, as are the rest of my co-workers. We need to create little avatars of ourselves for the newsletter we're *thinking* of sending out.
but I'd honestly rather get the message through a sappy episode of ER
Oh crap. aurelia just reminded me that there will be endless "Ripped From The Headlines" dramatizations to soon arrive. Feh.
Oh crap. aurelia just reminded me that there will be endless "Ripped From The Headlines" dramatizations to soon arrive. Feh.
Tonight - on a very special episode of
Home Improvement....
a doll-maker avatar site
Share, please. (Although no other avatar will ever equal my stor. snif.)
And I'm currently trying to decide if I want to order a second one.
You do. There were still some left as of this morning, when I checked.
I figure four will be a fine number for me, especially as I'm not likely to use it on a daily basis *and* the last thing I had of it lasted over a year when I was using it all the time. Plus, I've got that discontinued Aveda wet/dry on its way for regular wear.
I'd be happy if I could find something that's, y'know, still in production, but for now, I'm pretty well stocked up.
Although no other avatar will ever equal my stor. snif.
Weren't you an alien? I was very dubious about your human-being-ness for a while.