I still disagree with the decisions made (although I think the judge was within his bounds--just wrong), but I can't imagine her coming back from this, without a miracle.
I'm not trying to argue, but why do you not agree with the decisions? I guess, I mean, beyond that, why is her husband's decision one that needs to be agreed with or disagreed with. I hate that the woman didn't have a living will, but given the circumstances someone had to make a decision and it was him.
Being from Southern Baptist clans, I've only been to 2 weddings where there was dancing and booze. And these were decidedly non-clan weddings (they were Yankee friend weddings in the sinful Big City [which I currently and lovingly call home]).
{Could I use more parens??}
Poor Meredith is a wreck about Gretchen. Head wounds = lots of blood. She seems okay, though.
I'm not trying to argue, but why do you not agree with the decisions? I guess, I mean, beyond that, why is her husband's decision one that needs to be agreed with or disagreed with. I hate that the woman didn't have a living will, but given the circumstances someone had to make a decision and it was him.
I was just reading an article where it says that the Schindlers said in court that they would not disconnect Terri's feeding tube EVEN IF SHE ASKED THEM TO. Not that I needed another reason to disagree with her parents, but to me, that's proof that even their daughters own wishes don't matter to them.
OK, question: is it possible that an emergency brake can get stuck on and then release after rolling forward (it only didn't want to go back. Then it was fine.) I should make a trip to the mechanic's anyway, but...oy. Freaky brakes freak me out.
Is TAR 2 hours like my tv guide says?
Lovely pretty Brenda nape.
That's all I got. Did too much typing today.
Not that I needed another reason to disagree with her parents, but to me, that's proof that even their daughters own wishes don't matter to them.
Yeah, we were pretty "lucky" that with Alex we were all on the same page. Even the people who weren't really fond of each other put that aside for what they thought was best for him. I can't imagine someone calling what they did evil or murder, and I'm not sure I would be able to not make a spectacle of myself if they did.
It is supposed to be two hours
though I have no idea what will happen in hour two.
OMG!! Taking their money and all their stuff!!!!