How do you have a wedding reception with no booze or dancing?
My brother and SIL had a boozeful but no-dancing reception -- not out of any conviction of any sort (they're cheerfully agnostic and only not atheist because that implies more interest in the issue than they actually have), but just because my brother Does Not Dance. At All. Ever. It felt a little odd and incomplete to eat a nice meal, have cake and champagne, and then just get up and leave without even a little booty-shaking.
Euchre, euchre, euchre!!
t sits across from Aimee, waiting for a second pair (OF SUCKERS) to sit down with us
Anyone wanna pair up with me to take out, er, I mean on, Sean and Aimee? I loves me a good game of euchre!
I love Euchre.
And my boobs said, "Thanks, everyone for the comments!"
And my boobs said, "Thanks, everyone for the comments!"
Aw, we love your boobs, Cash.
Wow, Brookfield Zoo had 26,000 people today (all-time March attendance record, and more than most summer weekend days get)--70 degree weather combined with Easter break equals big crowds. I was wondering what the tie-up was on the Ike near 1st Avenue this morning (that's the main exit for the zoo).
sits across from Aimee, waiting for a second pair (OF SUCKERS) to sit down with us
Oh, I'm sorry, what did you just say?
Ahem. In non-Sean news, I have a brand new toy! And I CAN'T PLAY WITH IT YET.
Fuckers. Why don't they charge the battery pack before they ship it? I want to play with the camera! I want to take silly photos of the dog, and mess with them in MSPaint, and turn them into lj icons the same day!
Also, the wedding present for my mother just came, and it's SO COOL and I wanted to take a photo to show it off! Although it's all rolled up, so I oughta wait till vw gets home to help.
I want to take silly photos of the dog, and mess with them in MSPaint, and turn them into lj icons the same day!
I still think you should put the raincoat on the cat this time.
Yeah, well, it's easier to upload pictures with arms than with bloody ribbons of flesh.
Hey, I'm supposed to be doing homework. Quit distracting me!