Not really. But I'm definitely in the minority.
When I loaned the DVDs to my sister, I said "I will still love you no matter whether you like it or not". It was very mature of me, I think.
Susan, oh, please either post the pictures here, or a link to them? She's going to be one year old just about now, right? I remember that she was born right in the beginning of Passover, which would have been on the weekend, had the year not had 13 months this year.
I said "I will still love you no matter whether you like it or not". It was very mature of me, I think.
Nilly (HI!!!!), we're so proud of you.
OK. Side-by-side comparison of what she looked like on Easter '04 and '05: [link]
Cute. And now more ambulatory.
$600/month with free cable & utilities is a really good deal
I think so too, especially for a private room and if they aren't terribly far from transit. I'm always amazed there are parts of the country where that's a house.
Susan, Annabel is adorable.
Thanks, Sean (and how are you doing these days?).
Oh, Susan, she's a quarter-to-a-child already! And what an adorable child, too - with those bright eyes and that vivid face and that smile! And she looks a lot like you, at least in this picture and when compared to some pictures of you that I've seen in the past.
What Nilly said. And those eyes, especially in the bonnet picture - what a beautiful color.
I love Craigslist. Since I'm sending resumes and applications hither and thither, it's been a great place to find out what rental costs are in some of the possible areas.
Plus, any site that gives you the option of sending your ad to outer space gets points from me.
And now more ambulatory.
She's actually walking for real now. My hand holding her in that picture is not for support so much as to keep her from attacking the Easter lilies or sound system cords just offscreen.
Thanks, y'all.
think she's as cute as any kid could be, but it's nice to hear praise from less biased sources.