Poor tiger. I am NOT reading that story. People who makes pets of big cats
truly. They're so not intended to live that way. Last summer I was at the Popcorn Park Zoo in NJ, which specializes in adopting wild animals that have been adopted and abused, and they had a number of large carnivores who had been declawed and defanged by their previous owners.
t shudder
And on that note... timelies!
We had a full day of rain yesterday, and warm (although not 70s-warm) temperatures toward the end of last week.
We're *still* not rid of all our snow. However, there is now less snow than bare ground.
Okay. It's not really bare.
It's covered with the pine needles and leaves we didn't get rid of last Fall. But still! Colors other than white, outside my windows! Yes, they're primarily browns, and the dull evergreen sorts of greens of pine trees and rhoda...rhode...rhodo...flowering shrubs. The point is? Not. White! I'd decided if my landscape stayed white much longer, it was a message from the PTB, to go out in my backyard and look for a creepy little girl. Or possibly a panther.
We're *still* not rid of all our snow.
And we have a scorcher. That's Israeli spring as compared to real spring, for you.
I was just feeling all sorry for myself because insomnia woke me at 3:30 and got me out of bed an hour later, but now I see poor Lori has me beat, what with not getting to sleep at all.
Ah well. Time to grade.
Cindy, I was out walking with Emily and Toto on Sunday. We saw some tulips poking up through the ground! It was so exciting!
Cindy, I was out walking with Emily and Toto on Sunday. We saw some tulips poking up through the ground! It was so exciting!
So I guess Spring has really sprung. Excellent.
Burrell! I don't remember when last I got to post with you. How are you doing?
vw, can you believe that your paper is still open on my desktop, and I still didn't get to actually sit and read it? Shame on me.
A local weatherman just did the weather while ridding on a burrow, while the theme to
The Dukes of Hazard
played in the background.
Off to catch a train....
We're *finally* supposed to have sun and temps in the high sixties this week. It's about time.
Poor busy Nilly! No shame on you, though. There's absolutely no rush. It's gonna be there for a while. Although, I should probably add some sort of copyright to it...