Catching up, in Palm Springs:
You'd be surprised how much People Don't Know.
Hee. Brenda, this is so true, no matter the topic.
I've had many dreams about losing my teeth. But I only loose about four or five, max.
I dreamt of losing two, the other day. It was very realistic, and disturbing when I woke up (but I was glad that they were not, in fact, gone, when I woke up. That would've been much MORE disturbing)
He also rememberd to wish for her a PREHENSILE TAI
I dunno, a prehensile tail would be freaky, but kinda damn cool.
She made us promise not to starve her to death
Personally, I hope if I'm ever in that situation, someone will conveniently miscalculate my morphine dosage rather than starve me to death, but ya know. If that's what she wants, I'd agree to do it. Or not do it. As the case may be. And hope it never comes to that.
asking her if she has any test-taking strategies to recommend to him (or for us to recommend to him), beyond the typical go to bed early; eat well;
I don't usually eat breakfast. And my first big chem test in college, I decided "I'm going to get up early and go to the cafeteria and eat breakfast, because that's good for you". I ended up puking in the middle of the test. Heh.
I find it interesting that one never hears comments like this about Purim, or Yom Kippur, or Diwali, or Ramadan
Well, duh. Cause they're not exactly celebrated by the vast majority of Americans.
while playing basketball. Luckily, they were all reattached successfully.
Wow. That is super freaky and disturbing.
What if you use half of a scissors to cut the pants in half?
I believe you would then have much cursing and frustration.
Leif grabbed a sharpie this weekend and wrote "Leif" and a smiley face on his hand
Isn't he, like, two?? He can write his own name?!? Wow!