Simon: Captain... why did you come back for us? Mal: You're on my crew. Simon: Yeah, but you don't even like me. Why'd you come back? Mal: You're on my crew. Why we still talking about this?


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§ ita § - Jan 06, 2006 12:35:57 pm PST #9688 of 10002
Well not canonically, no, but this is transformative fiction.

Everybody has bad days.

Yes they do.

Which has nothing to do with why I find her so irritating. It's just fun.

Hayden - Jan 06, 2006 12:36:31 pm PST #9689 of 10002
aka "The artist formerly known as Corwood Industries."

Although Naomi Watts is the BF's top fave right now.

She's No. 2 on my list of "celebrities I think are hot, but probably wouldn't want to know in real life." I should probably shorten that to "hot celebrities."

Hayden - Jan 06, 2006 12:39:44 pm PST #9690 of 10002
aka "The artist formerly known as Corwood Industries."

Eh, I think the 2nd two pictures ita posted aren't that bad. If I saw her at the supermarket in those, I probably wouldn't think "vain, self-obsessed celebrity," and that's generally a good thing.

erikaj - Jan 06, 2006 1:09:26 pm PST #9691 of 10002
Always Anti-fascist!

I used to have a babysitter that could be SJ's doppleganger, if she had paid the same kind of attention to her hair and skin and such. It trips me out every time I see Ms. J.

Jesse - Jan 06, 2006 1:51:15 pm PST #9692 of 10002
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be.

I enjoy the fact that Scarlett Johanssen has an actual figure.

I also find Brad Pitt awfully hot in nearly all of his post-Thelma and Louise incarnations, including Troy. So there.

Cashmere - Jan 06, 2006 2:26:42 pm PST #9693 of 10002
Now tagless for your comfort.

Brad as Joe Black

Now I can't stop thinking about the car/pedestrian collision that leaves me in fits of laughter.

Trudy Booth - Jan 06, 2006 3:32:08 pm PST #9694 of 10002
Greece's financial crisis threatens to take down all of Western civilization - a civilization they themselves founded. A rather tragic irony - which is something they also invented. - Jon Stewart

Yeah, I just don't see it with Scarlett. She seems to have Young Claire Danes Disease where her mouth is half open half the time. And I don't think you get to be considered a great beauty if you have a funny nose. (I'm one of three people I know, however, who disliked Lost in Translation and I know that is where much of the oost began.)

Brad Pitt looks really nice sometimes and is a good enough actor, but don't get the MEGASTAR HAWTT off of him either. Jennifer Anniston's superstardom bewilders me as well (nice enough looking, pretty funny) and I'm faintly relieved that particular super couple is off the covers at the checkouts.

Kristen Kreuk is freaky pretty, but easily as freaky as pretty.

Catherine Zeta Jones is stunning. Hugh Jackman and Orlando Bloom are delicious. Them I could see as megastars.

Melpomene - Jan 06, 2006 3:40:36 pm PST #9695 of 10002
Ever fired your gun in the air and yelled, 'Aaaaaaah?'

I'm with Trudy on all.

Okay, so on Sunday I'm seeing Brokeback Mountain and the Producers. I know BM will break me so should I see it first or the Producers first?

Also, I've never seen Sport's Night but have started reading fic. Is it worth buying it blind?

DebetEsse - Jan 06, 2006 3:46:48 pm PST #9696 of 10002
Woe to the fucking wicked.


or, rather


Melpomene - Jan 06, 2006 3:58:06 pm PST #9697 of 10002
Ever fired your gun in the air and yelled, 'Aaaaaaah?'

Cool. I'll pick it up tomorrow. I was planning on Netflixing it but it's not in at the moment.