Huh. We just watched a movie called
Summer Lovers
(Daryl Hannah and Peter Gallagher). It was loaned to us by the DH's supervisee, who claimed it was a gift because he was going to Greece. It's basically an idyllic picture of the Greek Islands and the triad lifestyle. It was really really bad. There's no movie there. Damn near no story, no point, no sense. Boring except when annoying.
And yet, it has 4 stars on Amazon.
I assume the people rating it gave one star for each boobie on display.
Bee Season came out in limited release in November, but didn't do so well, and I guess never expanded (assuming they would have wanted to...). [link]
Thanks for the responses on Bee Season. I guess I'll wait for it to come out on DVD so I can fast forward and look for the local stuff.
I saw
Brokeback Mountain
The Family Stone
last night. LOVED the first hour of Brokeback to death--the second half lost momentum, I thought. The two leads were amazing, especially Heath Ledger who jst slayed me. I was very impressed with the art direction; when characters were living in cheap apartments, they looked ugly and messy, not movie-style "picturesque."
Family Stone
sucked. Sucked, sucked, sucked. Diane Keaton looked amazing and Craig T. Nelson was lovely, but the film itself was predictable and often shrill. The audience seemd to dig it, however.
I'd have actually considered
The Family Stone
on the strength of Dermot Mulroney's interview on the
The Colbert Report
last week -- he was charming and smart. It sounds like a candidate for seeing with my Mom, though.
Yeah, it's kinda like a Hallmark movie with some good lines and a terrific cast. I think my mom will enjoy it. It was just so false and formulaic and I was really hoping it would be good so I am a little Grinchy about it.
Hey, folks who've seen Kong? I need a
giant spider
report. Will I be shutting my eyes tightly, or will I be able to watch through my fingers? We're going to go see it on Wednesday, once Pete is unchained from the easel.
That scene didn't bother me nearly as much as I thought it would, Jilli. You should be able to watch through your fingers.
I saw Brokeback Mountain today, and thought it was really really good. It struck me pretty early on that, had this not been a story about two men, I'd have never in a million years gone to see it. Slow epic tragic love stories set in the American West? Sooooooooo not my thing. This was a very very good movie, but other than it being Teh Gay, total standard tragic love epic fare.
Family Stone sucked. Sucked, sucked, sucked.
Oh, that's a shame. I'd heard good things about the writing.
There are good lines and some good moments, but most of the characterization sucks. Characters seem to be attracted to each other for no reason. It is possible to predict where almost everyone ends up after the first 10 minutes of the movie. The healthiest couple is the deaf, gay brother and his black boyfriend, who are adopting a baby. That stuff all feels forced.