Saw TLtWatW tonight and enjoyed it. It didn't blow me away the way LotR did, but it was a satisfactory adaptation of the book, IMO, though I haven't read the book in probably close to twenty years, so who knows how much I've forgotten. The big battle scene was sufficiently cool (loved the
griffon bombers
and I thought the lead
centaur dude
rocked mightly) though I was disapointed that the
duel between Peter and the White Witch went movie-fu,
particularly the
Neo backbend dodge away from the lame scissor attack.
Especially since they'd just done something similar with the
White Witch barely dodging the lead centaur's attack
that actually looked cool a minute earlier.
Didn't realize there was a little scene in the middle of the credits though. My friends and I were just about to walk out when we noticed it.
Apart from her ER gig? I think this is her second year.
Cool! See, I have no TV, and thus I know nothing about who is on TV. Yay for her!
I should see the
movie tonight -- thanks for the warning about a final scene in the credits.
Always stay through the credits. It doesn't always pay off, but when it does, you are the cool kids.
I just saw Aeon Flux today. I'm so behind in movies. I decided to see it partly because I would have had to wait another half an hour to see Harry Potter, and I figured this one could leave any day. I was the only person in the theatre.
I liked it okay, but would have prefered something a little more twisted like the animated version. Now I think I need to get the tv one on DVD.
We saw Brokeback Mountain this afternoon. Very Good movie, beautifully shot and mostly well acted.
I think it broke JZ.
Nothing better than seeing a gay cowboy movie with a bunch of buffistas.
The movie was beautiful.
Nothing better than seeing a gay cowboy movie with a bunch of buffistas.
How about if the gay cowboy movie had Christian Kane as one of the cowboys?
My copy of Century Hotel arrived today, so I will get to see David Hewlett of SGA fame acting out a story not unlike Brokeback Mountain. Should be fun.
I saw Kong and LOVED it. Love love love love love.
Dear Mr. Jackson,
Thanks for making my mom go "oh wow" when she saw your big ape on screen. Also for making me get weepy over a CG character. Shame about the freaky-ass giant bugs though.
Ta ever so,
Rotten Tomatoes Bombs of '05:
- 18% - Get Rich or Die Tryin' 2005
- 16% - Domino 2005
- 17% - Doom 2005
- 20% - Into the Blue 2005
- 16% - The Dukes of Hazzard 2005
- 10% - Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo 2005
- 4% - Supercross: The Movie 2005
- 7% - Undiscovered 2005
- 24% - 9 Songs 2005
- 13% - Stealth 2005
- 24% - House of Wax 2005
- 43% - Guess Who 2005
- 7% - Elektra 2005
- 14% - Hide and Seek 2005
- 1% - Alone in the Dark 2005
- 11% - Ma Mere 2005
- 12% - Aeon Flux 2005
I've seen half of Elektra (someone gave me a pirated DVD that I haven't gotten around to completing), but otherwise I'm free of this list.