Just about every English muffin recipe I've seen has them cooked on a griddle.
I have to admit that I only checked for crumpet recipes before posting and it's been a while since I read an English muffin recipe - it seems I remembered the cooking method wrongly.
In that case, I'll say the difference is that crumpets are made like pancakes from a thin batter, raised by egg and (usually) baking powder, while English muffins are made from yeast-raised bread dough. They certainly have very different textures - I find untoasted crumpets quite rubbery.
Untoasted crumpets are slightly grosser than untoasted English muffins. Yet both of them, toasted? So. Good.
If you're a serious butter whore, English muffins may be preferable because they have a bit of a crust, so whatever butter you put on them stays on them, whereas it tends to run right through the crumpet and leave you with an admittedly tasty crumpet and then, after it's done, a sad little crumpet-shaped circle of melted butter on your plate that melted straight through and fell out the bottom and now it's all wasted. Unless you can lick it off the plate when nobody's looking. You, I mean. I would never do such a thing.
t /big giant fibber
Mmmm... butter.
Sadly, here at work I have no crumpets, muffins or butter. Although there
a toaster. I think I have a plan.
Well, I can't get those silly DaVinci code trailers to work for me at any size.
The texture of crumpets (toasted or un-) grosses me out. I can't explain it, except that it feels like I'm eating a human lip, or something.
it feels like I'm eating a human lip
I love this description! And despite my crumpet-love, I can see where you're coming from on the texture issue.
But human lip with lemon curd is SO GOOD!
I have been known to bite a lip or two in my day, but I don't chew and swallow them. Plus, if I'm biting a lip, I expect it to feel like a lip.
Bread products, on the other hand? Should NOT FEEL LIKE LIP.
The Canmag.com Web site reported a rumor that William Shatner is one of the former Star Trek captains who would appear in a proposed new Trek movie set in the "mirror" universe. Citing an anonymous source, the site reported that a script is floating around for a proposed new movie that would bring together Shatner's Capt. James T. Kirk, Patrick Stewart's Capt. Jean-Luc Picard and possibly Scott Bakula's Capt. Jonathan Archer. The movie would be a prequel film set in the evil parallel universe first introduced in the original Star Trek episode "Mirror, Mirror" and last scene in the Star Trek: Enterprise two-part episode "In a Mirror, Darkly."
Shatner was rumored to be up for a guest role in the last season of Enterprise, which ended in May, but never appeared. The site reported that the proposed film might incorporate elements of that episode as well.
Officially, Paramount has made no announcements about a future Trek movie of any kind, and cast and crew members have repeatedly said on the record that they know of no plans for a further installment in the venerable movie franchise.
I hope this is true - I'd totally watch this.
The original evil goatees!
Hmmph, they seem to be leaving out the show that did the most with that universe though. No Intendent? Not interested (unless they killed her off and I've forgotten).