I just heard from a friend that a mutual friend of our who HATED the Firth/Ehle P&P due to it's unfaithfulness to the book LOVED the new film verson -- thought it captured the book perfectly.
Gah-buh? I mean, I liked both the series and the movie, but.... it didn't, really.
I know!
I have to think that basically she just wasn't feeling the Firth/Ehle -- but don't get up on your high horse about the adaptation when you mean that you think it was cast incorrectly!
I FINALLY watched Bride and Prejudice last night -- that was so much fun!
Is good. A little light and fluffy, given its length, but is good. Go see it.
Is good. A little light and fluffy, given its length, but is good. Go see it.
I saw an ad last night during one of the shows I was watching that I could only term the "TITANIC" ad for KONG. Down to the psuedo-Dion/Horner music over it. Doesn't mean I won't see it, but I was amused as hell by the blatant targeting (not sure if that's the right word for what I mean) of it.
Plus I kept picturing TITANIC with a 50 ft tall gorilla in the DeCaprio role.
Kong. Is good.
t is jealous
Frank, I saw that same ad -- I kept expecting the music to change, but no, it was Generic Sappy Romance soundtrack all the way through. Weird.
Frank, I saw that same ad -- I kept expecting the music to change, but no, it was Generic Sappy Romance soundtrack all the way through. Weird.
Seriously. It was selling epic romance, and though there was a shot of Adrien Brody and Naomi Watts kissing, those two weren't the couple the ad seemed to be selling. I snerked mightily, especially since the only romantic couple that Jackson has ever sold me on is in HEAVENLY CREATURES.
the only romantic couple that Jackson has ever sold me on is in HEAVENLY CREATURES.
C'mon -- Aragorn/Legolas? Sam/Frodo? Pippin/Merry?
Are you made of stone, man?
I'm with ita on this one.
Point taken, but it's not like they tried to sell the LotR movies as BROKEBACK MT. DOOM.
Chiming in on the WTF-ness of the "romantic" Kong ad. Like Jessica I was waiting for the music to change and ended up shaking my head when it didn't.
In other advertising news: Old Navy? Still really friggin' obnoxious.