If I recall correctly (and I admit I get the stories confused in my mind), the undeserving depiction of Higgins is more accurate for the Pygmalion version than the MFL version. They changed more than the ending for the musical - they made Higgins himself more likeable, more deserving of the ending they gave him.
Basically, "I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face" makes me incredibly emotional, and shows me a Higgins that can appreciate Eliza.
And with that, I'm done defending it.
Into the Woods
is good, too. Discuss. Or don't, since there's no movie version, alas. Why don't we have a musicals thread?
since there's no movie version, alas.
There is the version PBS broadcast lo these many years ago.
Which is actually available on DVD. Original cast, on a stage, and all, right? I have it. It's fabulous. Available for several of the Sondheim musicals. I have Sweeney Todd, too (though I haven't watched it yet), and Sunday in the Park with George is on my wishlist for this holiday.
I need to see Sweeney and George. I
Into the Woods. With that one, I think there are defiantely effects you get from the music that you'd be hard-pressed to convey without. Which sort of makes sense, as there is that larger-than-life-ness about the whole thing (however human the characters may be)
The 1938 version of
is available on dvd. . . a Criterion edition.
When I was in high school, friend A had a copy of Into the Woods on videotape. He went to friend B's house (which was the communal hangout) and started to watch it. When he got to the end of act 1, he thought it was over. So he stopped the VCR off and went to do other things.
Friend B came home later and found a tape in his VCR all cued up. He watched act 2, without knowing there'd been an act 1.
Later, friend A and friend B had a very confusing conversation, because they agreed that they'd both liked this musical, but they had very different ideas about what had happened in it.
Heh. Yeah, that would happen. My high school actually did a performance of just the first act that went quite swimmingly. Convinced me to check out the whole thing - before that, Sondheim was a name to me, not a god.
ETA Re: Sweeney
I intend to see the new production of Sweeney (which has been getting some seriously RAVE reviews) early next year. I'm very, very excited.
I don't really get just doing Act 1. It does kinda seem to be missing the point...
Sure, it misses the point of the musical, but it could be a complete story in and of itself--just a less complex one.
What's even funnier is my sister's high school doing
, but taking all the sex and drugs out.
It was 15 minutes long.