I loved the book. I could groove on the idea of a message in pi for hours. And I think I did.
Unsurprisingly, I'm right there with you. I wish the movie had ended like the book, with Foster's character getting a printout of some iteration of pi where the numbers defined a circular signature on the Work.
I saw North Country tonight, followed by a Q&A with Charlize Theron and Niki Caro. I have to say, Charlize seems like a terribly nice person. It's a pity I want to smack every character she's ever played across the face.
The movie is good -- much better, IMO, than Whale Rider, which I thought was only okay. It ends in a really odd place, but it's a well-told story with a really good sense of place, and all the performances are excellent. (Including, probably, Charlize's, but she just bugs me.
Saw this trailer last night. It does look really good.
I just saw a sneak preview of Domino. It was all right, but not what I expected. The marketing make it out to be some sort of Domino Harvey biopic, but it's more of a heist movie. I don't feel like I really learned anything about Domino Harvey or how/why she became a bounty hunter.
I had thought it was a biopic, too. But the trailer ends such speculation. It's pretty much advertising a heist film.
So, Serenity's left my town. . . so has The Constant Gardener. A History of Violence has never been here.
I think that it's Wallace and Gromit this weekend.
So is it gonna be Cash vs. Capote for the Biopic Oscar Battle?
And possibly vs. Murrow, though I suspect from what I've heard that Clooney's pic and Strathairn's perfromance are a little low key to generate that kind of excitement.
Signed, the woman who owns Untamed Heart.
My sistah, only I suspect for very different reasons.
Watched The Saint last night with Phillip Noyce's commentary.
Noyce seems to have a heart as big as the great outdoors, and his professorial commentary speaks to a preparation you don't always see when folks sit down to do dvd extras. I learned a lot about Russia I didn't know.
The extras on Noyce's Rabbit Proof Fence absolutely broke me.
Even more than the actual, heartbreaking, story.
It's wonderful to listen to someone how loves what they do.
Jessica, how was Sean Bean in North Country? I was pleasantly surprised to see him (briefly) pop up in the trailer, since, unless he's playing the heavy, he rarely has a role big enough to give him trailer time. I didn't see Flightplan yet (I'll probably Netflix it), but I heard he was good as the captain in that movie.
Watched The Saint last night with Phillip Noyce's commentary.
I was just talking about this movie last night. I generally found it fun, but pretty stupid (especially the "science" and the ending), but I very much liked the fact that Kilmer's Saint fires a gun exactly once in the film, not in anger, and not at a person. Not that I'm inherently against guns -- I'm not -- but I would very much love to see more action heroes get away without using guns a bit more often.
Jessica, how was Sean Bean in North Country?
He was great -- his character doesn't have a ton to do, but he fills an important emotional niche, and he does it very well.
The Saint really is pretty silly...but, as you say, fun. And the villians are all very pretty.
eta: Oh, here's one...Jet Li in Romeo Must Die...much with the fu, which may disqualify it on the 'brains' front...but no gun that I recall.
I'm with you on the brains over ballistics action hero. I'm trying to think of other examples...