That movie caused a schism between me and a couple of my friends for a little while after it came out because they were all "OMG, IT'S SO SWEEPING AND ROMANTIC AND VAMPIRES AND TAKE ME AWAY FROM ALL OF THIS DEATH!!!!1!!1!," and I was all "You know it's one huge steaming pile of poo, right?"
I still watch it, 'cos it's pretty.
There have been no good vampire movies made in Hollywood since Lost Boys, with the exception of the original BTVS movie. Discuss.
The original BTVS movie wasn't that good.
Shadow of the Vampire
... nope, every other vampire movie I can think of I watch because they crack me up and usually have good gothy eyecandy, not because they're good movies.
Let's not forget
Muffy the Vampire Layer
(1993). Or
Buffy the Vampire Layer
(Kristii Myst Goes Down for the Count).
I concur with
Shadows of the Vampire.
MtVL was probably the worst vampire movie I've seen. But the stakes were very shiny.
MtVL was probably the worst vampire movie I've seen.
Bad vampire movies is a pretty crowded field. Four words: Santos Contra Las Vampiras.
Interview with the Vampire
is one of my favoritest movies. Though, I haven't seen it since I was 15. Still, I bet it's definitely better than the Buffy movie (which I was so sad about, because every line that should have been funny... wasn't. The timing of almost every joke was off. And it's sad, cuz you know what's good? The comic Buffy: Origin or whatever it was called that redid it it comic-book style, now with more Watcher suicide)
Really? I didn't like
Shadow of the Vampire
that much.
however is great. Though it doesn't have a Sexy!Vampire but a RatFaced!Vamp.
is also good, though since I've never seen it with the intended hand tinted scenes or score.
I kind of liked
The Addiction.
Really liked
The Hunger.
What? No love for Stephen Dorff in
My campy fun vampire movie would probably be
with Grace Jones.
My friend Miriam went to Cuba and brought back this animated vampire movie. It was great - the vampires were all these evil capitalists - some were gangsters from Chicago IIRC. Oh, and there was sex and nudity.
I agree that Shadows of the Vampire was a good movie. I like Love at First Bite and From Dusk til Dawn for completely different reasons.
Picking bad vampire movies leaves me spoiled for choice. There's My Best Friend is a Vampire, with Robert Sean Leonard. There's Van Helsing. There's Interview with a Vampire and Queen of the Damned.
Actually, I'd watch any of those if they came on tv at a dull moment.
ETA: Oooooh, Legend of the Seven Golden Vampires! Peter Cushing and kung fu. I've gotta find this.