It looks like it's just a rehash of frelling Jerry Maguire. So I guess it's Jerry Maguire/Almost Famous.
DH tried to explain the plot to me, and it hurt. To me, it sounds like Crowe is tired of people thinking his endings come out of nowhere, and so decided to just make the whole damn movie come out of nowhere this time.
Never saw
Mullholand Drive
did he?
Now it is time to list favorite BAD accents.
Walter Koenig speaking in his normal voice sounds like Pavel Chekov trying desperately to hide his Russian accent and doing a very bad job of it.
He's from Chicago.
Never saw Mullholand Drive did he?
Cameron Crowe, or DH?
(Mulholland Drive is one of E's favorite movies.)
Worst accents include "Far and Away" fer sure.
Damien Lewis as Lt. Winters in Band of Brothers
wonders idly if there's Winters/Nix slashfic out there.
Hugh Laurie in
Tiny bit iffy at first. Perfect now.
I know Renee Zellweger got props from the British press for her Bridget Jones accent.
There has to be, Raq! (BTW, have you seen the pic of the real Nix the morning after VE Day? It's in the book, and he epitomizes the word "hungover".)
Now it is time to list favorite BAD accents.
Christopher Lambert's young Connor MacLeod. Adrian Paul's young Duncan MacLeod. Also, either of their actual accents.