Just cut them up like regular chickens.
Damndest little things.
Of course, it's a good day when I don't confuse Cronenburg and Lynch. I think that comes from seeing Eraserhead and Videodrome at the same time.
Heh. Love them both, but that's like the double bill from hell. Eraserhead is probably the only movie that could make Videodrome seem relatively coherent.
I'm lame; I never realized that The Dead Zone and M. Butterfly were Cronenburg.
Well, neither is really a typical film for him (see also the new one, apparently).
skipped like ... skippey!
Me and Bruce Campbell
The Fly and Dead Ringers both make my skin crawl. In a good way.
A friend just saw the Dhavernas/Boreanaz movie, and thought it hilarious.
Oh cool, you mean it might actually be good in addition to showing David in all his glory? Bonus!
Wait, she just said it was hilarious, Matt. She didn't specify whether it was intentionally so.
That would be my question - is it supposed to be a comedy?
She also recommended it. C'mon now -- if I were relaying trash talk, do you think I'd be that coy?
Have you read me before?