A friend has started the rumour that Cage, worried by global warming, is building a rocket-powered crib in his backyard so Kal-El can escape.
So he won't be invulnerable until he crash-lands on some other planet? Cool.
Too bad we're gonna explode, though.
Wonderful visually but lacking in emotion. I just didn't feel any sort of connection with the characters.
Yep, this was my response to "Nightmare." My DH liked it enough that I bought him the VHS (back in the day), but he's the stealth-goth.
I'm still hopeful about "Corpse Bride," but it probably won't be a "Grim Fandango."
I guess everyone went to see
this weekend? I ended up watching
A History of Violence
instead, which I thought was an incredible film. A simple enough story, plot-wise, but with tons of interesting layers upon reflection. There is a bit of a Western-like sensibility to it, but in a sort of anti-High Noon way. It's a film that's difficult to pin down. I was struck by the way Cronenberg showed both violence and sex matter-of-factly, with neither gratuitousness nor coyness. Mortensen is very good as the lead, but really, there isn't a weak performance in the film.
I haven't watched a Cronenberg film since Naked Lunch, but this one is a lot more lean and not-so-much with the gross-out factor if that's what's stopping people from seeing the film.
I saw it too, but I didn't like it. I think it may be a very good movie, but there was so much about it that bothered me, and I couldn't tell if it was coming from Cronenberg or the characters. (The characterization of the wife had me spitting nails, but since the film is told almost completely through the husband's POV, it was impossible for me to figure out whether I should be angry at Viggo for thinking of her that way, or Cronenberg for writing her that way.)
The characterization of the wife had me spitting nails, but since the film is told almost completely through the husband's POV, it was impossible for me to figure out whether I should be angry at Viggo for thinking of her that way, or Cronenberg for writing her that way.
That's probably unresolvable since Cronenberg's major area of interest since VIDEODROME onward has been how an individual's perception shapes that individual's reality, whatever passes for objective reality be damned.
Huh. Peter Jackson and Fran Walsh named as Executive Producers of "Halo" movie. [link]
That's probably unresolvable since Cronenberg's major area of interest since VIDEODROME onward has been how an individual's perception shapes that individual's reality, whatever passes for objective reality be damned.
Huh. That theme is fascinating to me. I don't think I've seen a Cronenberg film other than
which I loved.
Huh. That theme is fascinating to me. I don't think I've seen a Cronenberg film other than eXistenZ, which I loved.
You need to see Videodrome. Also a key cyberpunk text. Also, young Debby Harry.
Also, young Debby Harry.
Also, IIRC, young NAKED Debbie Harry.