I know Mirrormask is in obscenely limited release right now, but anyone who can go see it should -- it's absolutely enchanting and becautiful and wonderful and OMG the library scene made me want to stand up in the theatre and cheer.
My only complaint with it can be resolved here: Was the sound off for you? 'Cause 1/2 the time I couldn't hear what they were saying, but that may have been the shitty theater I was at, that hasn't updated anything besides the marquee since 1972. And it's changed hands about 12 times since then.
The girl playing the main character is excellent too -- if Gaiman ever gets High Cost of Living off the ground, she'd make a fantastic Death.
I did have to wonder when Helena Bonham Carter managed to find time to clone herself.
that may have been the shitty theater I was at, that hasn't updated anything besides the marquee since 1972.
This could have been it. There are some sound systems out there that are in really sorry shape.
The sound was fine in my theatre, Gandalfe.
I did have to wonder when Helena Bonham Carter managed to find time to clone herself.
Yes -- they've got the exact same eyes. And her character being named Helena didn't help that cognitive dissonance one bit.
I forgot to mention, we got a Mirrormask poster at our showing. (Free with large popcorn and large drink.) It's already up in Emmett's room.
We've seen the heartwarming comedy "Shining." Now see "Titanic" the horror picture.
Oh, and "West Side Story" too.
That's more like it, Mr Broom.
They altered the
West Side Story
visuals, didn't they? Wasn't that against the rules? As far as I'm concerned,
is a horror story, so that's no stretch.
In honor of the upcoming Wallis & Gromit movie, I picked up CREATURE COMFORTS SEASON 1, which came out (or came out again) last Tuesday.
It says 13 episodes plus the original short (plus making of stuff). I don't know where these got broadcast, but I'm thoroughly chuffed about this. Is there a good web site to decode DVD easter eggs out there? It wouldn't surprise me if the hid the CC ad campaign somewhere instead of having them as an official item on the disc.
Y'know, you'd think at this point I'd just learn to Google things before I ask, but nooooooo.
Although I also was hoping someone had a particularly good one that they knew of, I guess.