While listening to the soundtrack, I played the "Oh, that's from Beetlejuice! That bit's from Nightmare" game.
With no real chance of Oingo Boingo ever reuniting again, I fear I'm going to be doing this for the rest of his career. Which is a shame. (Not that there's anything wrong with a dancing skeleton singing Cab Calloway, but...BTDT.)
(And no, the fact that I am talking about being jaded about dancing skeletons singing Cab Calloway has not been lost on me. But still.)
(And no, the fact that I am talking about being jaded about dancing skeletons singing Cab Calloway has not been lost on me. But still.)
Considering Elfman has been personally doing hellish variations on Cab Calloway since The Mystic Knights of the Oingo Boingo stage show in the 70s, it does seem like he should be able to at least try something like an evil Duke Ellington or a ghoulish Slim Gaillard by now.
Lord of War
last night. The three peeps I was with loved it but I was kinda so-so on it. I really admired the ambition of it and the way it was shot, but it didn't quite gel for me. I kept feeling as if I was waiting for it to actually start.
I noticed something interesting during the film. Jared Leto is approximately 10,000 times better looking than Nick Cage and is playing a more outwardly dramatic character, yet in their scenes together it's Cage you can't take your eyes off of. Cage has that movie star's ability to draw our attention, which is not a function of looks or talent alone.
Nicholas Cage is one of those movie stars whose popularity constantly astounds me. I just can't take him seriously. It's grown to be the kind of problem where I can't actually watch films he's in. I think everyone has people like that. My friend Nibbler can't watch anything with Jodie Foster without getting angry and throwing things at her head on the screen.
Yeah, I find Cage incredibly mannered and often off-putting, and I STILL found myself watching him and not Leto.
Ah, and see, I'm an unrepentant Nic Cage fangirl. He's just sort of magnetic. He's like the Hypnotoad! You can't look away!
Like an horrific car crash?
Like the mesmerizing Hypnotoad!
I, for one, welcome our new toad overlords.
Nic Cage is
like a car crash for me. I don't want to look, but I do, and I feel dirty afterwards.
My only problem with Cage is that he hasn't played anyone but Nicholas Cage since "Leaving Las Vegas" (not since "Raising Arizona," some could argue). He doesn't have the ability to separate himself from the role enough that you're looking at a character and not an actor. Some stars can transcend their own fame in roles. He can't.