Colin Firth -- Pride and Prejudice, curly hair, keeps doing irritating romantic comedies. Has reached that stage on film where he may play a dad, but a dad who wears leather pants (it was some Disney production).
Clive Owen -- Sin City, straight hair, does not look the type for a romantic comedy. Close to the same age as the other guy, but has never to my knowledge played a dad.
Okay, I have Clive Owen fixed in my mind. Sin City, kicks ass.
Colin Firth -- can't picture him, but I know he wasn't in Sin City.
Firth is in that new movie with Kevin Bacon that was slapped with an NC-17 rating for a threesome they have with the female lead.
Hollywood is doing a movie with a guy-girl-guy threesome played out by name actors? This does not reassure me that the recent disasters are merely coincidence and not signs of the world ending...
Teppy, rent
In the Cut.
It's not a great movie, but Ruffalo is intensely hot in it. Even with a goofy mustache. He's great in
You Can Count on Me
as well.
He's just a really good actor and worth getting to know so you can watch out for him.
Teppy, Ruffalo was Elijah's buddy in Eternal Sunshine, too.
Teppy seems to have a neurological deficit where she can't recognize dark haired men. It's a new Oliver Saks book in the making: The Blonde Who Mistook A Brunette for Some Guy.
I never paid attention to Colin Firth until I saw Pride and Prejudice, in which his sullen glowering was far more attractive than I expected.
He glowers so beautifully. And then when the smile breaks out it's just...guh.
Matt, it's the new Egoyan film Where the Truth Lies.