didn't her character escape most situations instead of using brawn?
Yes, she did. The central fight was laughable, though, and as much as I liked it, I'd rather have had a different actress in the role (paging Gina Torres) than redo the movie so it wasn't there.
I've seen six of those movies: Charlie, War, Batman, 40-year-old Virgin, Robots, and Wedding Crashers.
I liked them all. If asked to rank them I'd be Batman > Virgin > Wedding > Charlie > War > Robots, but all were worth the money for me. War might not have been worth NYC money, but it was worth MS money. Charlie and Robots were worth it primarily for the IMAX pretty, (Robots would definitely not have been worth LESS money on a normal screen. But the roller-coaster scene was a total trip on IMAX, as good as an actual journey to six flags.)
My favorite movie of the year so far is a tie between Batman and Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (talk about different movies to love, but both so worth it). I also quite liked Sin City and Hitchhikers, but neither made me love them. Oh, and Serenity is really good too, but doesn't count since it hasn't been officially released yet.
Why is it whenever I see a list I feel compelled to start making my own?
Re: Angelina, if you're inclined to be skinny, and weren't pregnant, I can see a new baby being a significant source of weight loss.
Not to mention, hasn't she been spending a lot of time in Third World nations helping the disadvantaged? Not circumstances under which I'd be likely to carbo-load, myself.
Regarding movie-going:
What I really, really hate is that not only are there commercials before the previews, there are now “inside looks” of tv shows and other crap blaring at you from the moment you enter the theater. It’s distracting, annoying, and it makes talking to the person you came with difficult. Why do they think that anyone wants to fork over ten dollars in order to watch Amy Grant blathering on about Three Wishes?
Mark Ruffalo was in episodes of due South? Really?
Joining the ranks of Colin Firth and Clive Owen as actors whose faces I can NEVER call to mind is apparently this Mark Ruffalo. I have NO idea who he is. Zero.
That's par for the course though, Ruffalo got a double dose of the Everyman/Regular Joe gene as far as how he comes off in movies.
Mark Ruffalo was in episodes of due South? Really?
The first season, I believe.
I'm still annoyed at City of Angels
City of Angels
may be my most hated movie ever. I disliked it all the way through, but
Meg Ryan's stupid and pointless death
put it over the top. I may have thrown things.
In other news, I too adore Mark Ruffalo.
You Can Count On Me
was such a fantastic movie, and he was great in
Eternal Sunshine
too. He's totally my real-world type, too: dark hair/dark eyes (with or without glasses), neither too tall nor too thin, nice mouth.
hmm, I can't seem to find a good photo of him. The few I can find from
Eternal Sunshine
are all too dark. Honestly, it's not that he's a fantastically gorgeous guy. I just really like him. Great actor, too.