I thought the Ben Grimm stuff once he'd transformed was compelling, especially that first meeting with his fiance after the change. And the day-in-the-life sequence of all of them getting used to staying at the Baxter Building.
Watching Jessica Alba try to convince people she was a scientist was entertaining, but not in the way the filmmakers intended...
I thought that the whole Chiklis thing was woefully underwritten, because his wife seemed so stank I couldn't work out if she'd always been that...hard and incommunicative, or this was a change. I wondered why he'd loved her in the first place, whether she'd been replaced by a pod person, what was with the dumb putting the ring down on the floor thing, saying five words to him ... I felt sorry for Chiklis for not having something I could stomach to watch him do, since I think he's a great actor.
Umm. When I've had coffee, I might be able to translate that into English beyond, "DAMN YOU MARK RUFFALO! DAMN YOUR SAD EYES!"
Hee! I liked him a LOT in You Can Count On Me, but then he almost
and that made me want him to be fictionally happy even more.
That's how I usually feel about Ewan McGregor's characters -- I just want them to get a second chance, because he totally won't waste it this time.
Jessica Alba:scientist::Denise Richards:physicist
The scary part is, I saw exactly one of the top mumblemany movies of this year, and hated it.
Yes, thank you, I have demographicked myself out of the movie theatre.
I saw 6, and really enjoyed 4. I'm doing okay.
Of the 2 I didn't enjoy -- fuck, was
Monster In Law
Now, you don't have to sell me hard on why the female lead falls for the Vartan character. It's not like I expect him to (be able to) play something other than a slightly quiet, likeable and good looking guy.
The rationale for him falling for J-Lo's character? So non-existent, and exacerbated by them skipping ahead three months between first date and moving in together. My friend suggests there was supposed to be a video montage but they couldn't make it work, so they just jumped in time.
Horrible. J-Lo totally unlikeable. At least the Fonda character made you want to look at her.
I'd add traffic/parking to the list of things that discourage movie-going. There are three movie theaters that are pretty convenient to me. One I won't go to at all, because just getting out of the parking lot afterwards will destroy any pleasure I might get from a movie. The other two are slightly better, mainly because I can park at the extreme edge of the lot and walk the last bit. This is also a big part of why, when I do see movies, I go to matinees.
Yeah, this last year my criteria for selecting a movie theater is, "Can I walk to it? If not, can I take a train to it?"
I draw the line at taking a bus, though.
Skinny Angelina. I don't think she was that slim in
Mr & Mrs Smith,
but she wasn't big.