We saw Transporter 2 this weekend. Completely unbelievable. Completely fun.
I agree. I mean, *completely* unbelievable, second only to the Bond movie with Denise Richards as a nuclear physicist, but they really didn't need much of a plot beyond "Jason Statham kicks the shit out of people".
That movie was a delight. Jason Statham is brilliant (at doing what they asked) and it sure looked like everyone was in on the joke.
My only quibble with the movie was that he had his shirt on a bit too much.
My only quibble with the movie was that he had his shirt on a bit too much.
It's true. Somehow the trailer convinced me we were getting a homage to the greased-up shirtless scene, so I still feel cheated.
And how many actors have ever had the kind of year Colbert had in '34? Besides the Cleopatra Hec described (which I've yet to see, unfortunately), she also did Imitation of Life and It Happened One Night.
It was a pretty kickass year for her. I think Claude Rains probably had a year like that. He was in more classics than just about any other character actor I can think of: Robin Hood, Casablanca, Notorious, The Invisible Man (where he was the lead, of course)...
I bet Peter Sellers had a year like that in the 60s.
I bet Peter Sellers had a year like that in the 60s.
Dr. Strangeglove, The World of Henry Orient and A Shot In The Dark in '64. Not quite the same level.
Rains has Now, Voyager and Casablanca in '42. Other than that his big ones were spread out.
Dr. Strangeglove, The World of Henry Orient and A Shot In The Dark in '64. Not quite the same level.
Yeah, but
Dr. Strangelove
gets counted three times.
Yeah, but Dr. Strangelove gets counted three times.
And almost would have been four had he not "broken" his foot.
shakes thread
Okay, I know ONE of you N.Y. or L.A. people went and saw Corpse Bride. Reviews! Tellllllllll meeeeeeee!