Probably. I saw Nightmare Before Christmas something like 8 or 10 times.
From the review, then, I expect you'll see this about the same. Or alternate viewings with Mirrormask. You may be spending a large chunk of the fall at the cinema.
Of course, you'll have to go a bit to top Kathy A's LoTR viewings.
(Does quick adding of theater viewings.)
It's a fair cop.
God bless Angry Alien. They're working on Star Wars, Highlander, and King Kong, among others. I make anyone who hasn't seen them watch their "Pulp Fiction" and that usually hooks 'em.
UK GoF trailer. Movie still looks wicked cool.
I'm listening to the audio book right now. The trailer just made me shiver...
The trailer makes me cry. And get tingly
UK GoF trailer. Movie still looks wicked cool.
Can't wait can't wait can't wait!!!