Dood. Liking the new HP trailer.
Apparently I was so focussed on the phallic imagery in the book that I missed that Durmstrang is all boys and Beaux-Batons is all girls.
Mad-Eye Moody is the first character that doesn't look exactly like my mental image.
Apparently I was so focussed on the phallic imagery in the book that I missed that Durmstrang is all boys and Beaux-Batons is all girls.
Not in the book, IIRC. Didn't a male student help the Beauxbatons teacher out of the carriage when they arrived? I guess it's just easier to put the two schools into matching uniforms (those BB grey outfits remind me a bit of Madeline, for some reason).
The Corpse Bride
is *only* opening in NYLA this weekend. Bastards.
Smug, pretty bastards, if you don't mind.
You're all trying to make Jilli cry, aren't you?
No, I'm trying to make her come visit me!
You're all trying to make Jilli cry, aren't you?
No, I'm trying to make her come visit me!
Where is my teleporter? I don't care about flying cars, I want a dratted teleporter!