This may shock people, but I saw both Police Academy and Mystery Men for the first time yesterday. My reactions to both were similar -- interesting concepts, should have done more with them. (Though in fairness to MM, it was on basic cable, and no doubt quite a bit was cut out.)
(ETA, a couple hours later): Just looked up MM on IMDb. Yes, a lot was cut out. As in, a 2-hour movie was cut to fit a 2-hour commercial-filled timeslot.
NYT article: Apparently some conservatives have embraced
March of the Penguins
as a film espousing their values about monogamy and intelligent design (WTF?) [link]
Oddly, the Washington Post just ran a piece by George Will using
March of the Penguins
to attack Intelligent Design as being an obviously stupid idea.
Penguins - all things to all people.
The penguin is a blank canvas on which we write our world views.
OK, in all seriousness, don't conservatives know about the
gay penguins?
Some do, as I heard rumblings that Wendell and Cass should be separated to prevent their unnatural coupling.
Some do, as I heard rumblings that Wendell and Cass should be separated to prevent their unnatural coupling.
There's been similar rumblings about the lesbian swans (Romeo and Juliet) in the Public Garden here. Though that's been as much about "let's bring in a male so we get some baby swans" as anything.
It would amuse me highly if a swan menage a trois was the result. It would amuse me even more if such an attempt ended with male swan being run out of the park by Romeo and/or Juliet.
OK, in all seriousness, don't conservatives know about the gay penguins?
The Logo Channel has a very funny animated bit about the gay penguins as one of their promos.
There are often gay animals. What? The penguins OD'd on QE?By which I meant to say, if animals are doing it, how unnatural is it really? Animals don't do things to be cool or piss off their parents.
I have not seen the penguin film, though.
Yeah, I can't help but think that pointing to the sex lives of penguins in a movies is actually going to bolster anyone's case for intelligent design or any other crap like that, just because once you open that door, then the fact that animals exhibit sexual behavior all over the spectrum is suddenly allowed into the discussion, which does not serve their case.
Besides, of course a movie is going to give the impression of an intelligent designer at work -- he's called the fucking DIRECTOR you morons.