The look on Chamberlain's face (and seriously, did he ever act in anything else he was in?) would have been fine on its own.
PETULIA and THE MUSIC LOVERS (although the second only if you're a Ken Russell fan like me).
eta I do agree that nothing Weir could show was going to live up to that look, definitely.
PETULIA and THE MUSIC LOVERS (although the second only if you're a Ken Russell fan like me).
I'm not much of a Russell fan, but I'll check them out.
I'm not much of a Russell fan, but I'll check them out.
Well, PETULIA is Richard Lester, and it's a little dated, but it's got some very effective moments, plus Julie Christie (George C. Scott ain't bad either).
I seriously wouldn't recommend MUSIC LOVERS unless you were a Russell fan (and he's at his most excessive here) or really like Glenda Jackson.
t waves the POX TO KEN RUSSELL banner in the corner
I hate
Music Lovers
with the power of thousand supernovas, but it's been a while since I've seen it. I suspect I'd laugh instead of groan at the absurdities if I could make myself watch it again. It'd be a good MST3 material, at least.
Oh! And Russell did that movie about Liszt that had the Giant Dancing Penises on Stage. I probably won't mind watching that again.
Russell also did that movie about the vacation that spawned Frankenstein, right?
Yeah, that's it. Never saw it, but I'm familiar with the story behind it (mostly from King's Danse Macabre).
The memory of that movie makes my skin crawl.
Did the movie have the bit about Shelley getting high on some hallucinogenic and then looking over at Mary and seeing eyeballs in place of her nipples? Reading about that freaked me out completely (especially since I was only 12 when I read it).
Russell also did that movie about the vacation that spawned Frankenstein, right?
I had to watch that moviw (for no apparent reason, I might add) during my Survey of British Literature class. it took several classes to get through. And was very odd.