I hate that expression. I don't know why. That, "da bomb" and "owned" just really annoy me for some reason.
Like Lilty, I'd never heard it before, but I don't like it much, cause it's dumb. I do like saying things are "the bomb" (not "da"), and, due to VM, "ownage!" is once again cool.
It's meant to be a good thing, which makes word-evolutionary (I know there's a better term for this but my brain isn't conjuring it at the moment) sense, considering I've only heard it uttered by males.
I don't think I've ever heard "tits" used as an exclamation before either.
The one that makes me twitch is "sick," which was used constantly when I was working at MTV. If a segment was working really well, it was, "That is hot man, it's sick." Drove me CRAZY.
"Hot" pings me as weird every time I hear it, but I just chalk it up to getting older rather than anything wrong with the term. I've never heard "sick" used in a positive manner, though.
It made me feel old. As does having never heard "ownage" before. Up here, everything is traditionally "wicked [insert any word here]".
The teenage nephews and niece who live in the OC still use "tight" but "hot" is also popular.
On the other hand, I'm unreasonably fond of "pants" as used by Fay and I think Jim (among others - definitely seems to be a UK thing).
Of course, it's pretty much the opposite of "tits", "sick", etc., as in "Are you high, man? That Yoda scene wasn't tits; it was completely pants."
As does having never heard "ownage" before.
It comes from on-line video games. If you kick someone's ass, you "owned" them. I think it's dumb and I play video games.
I've heard and used normal forms of 'own': "The reason you talk smack about that kick is because you don't
it." Works for me. I've never heard "ownage" in real life.
"Are you high, man? That Yoda scene wasn't tits; it was completely pants."
For some reason, I love this sentence madly.