You're right; I've matured enough to accept my limitations and strive to work past them.
Headlessness would be a tough limitation to overcome.
Hey, Hec, your fetish is showing. You might want to tuck that in.
Dude, I like bon's head no matter how her hair is done. The fact that she's usually extra stylishly coiffed is just a bonus.
But think of the triumph of the human spirit, Hec.
But think of the triumph of the human spirit, Hec.
I don't judge people by their human spirits! Or lack thereof.
The 10 minutes of Batman Begins shown at the end of Smallville rocked.
Obviously, Hec.We talk all the time.
That whole conversation reminds me of the Callahan cartoon featuring heads in a jar. One head has an eye- patch though, so the one without the patch says "People like you are a real inspiration to me."
I'm so touched by the confidence you all have in my headless body/disembodied head, but I'm not decapitating myself to prove a point.
I went to the midnight showing of Sith. My buddy and I were sitting having a beer and I said, hey, let's go see if we can get in. No problem.
Had fun. Movie was fast-paced and action-packed, in stark contrast to the other prequels. Glad I went. I originally was going to wait until the rush was over, but this was beating the rush at the front end. That worked too.
I just saw Star Wars as well. I thought it was pretty good, definitely a dark movie. I don't think I'll go see it again, though.
I saw that Batman Beyond preview on Smallville -- after 10 minutes of ESPN and 10 minutes of an incomprehensible Smallville cliffhanger -- and was like, wait, what now? It didn't do much for me.
I continue to insist that making explicit the implicit fascist impulse of the Batman scenario is the kiss of death. Appealing to the id so openly puts me off the character, makes me stand outside him. Sometimes, I can end up fascinated by a character study, watching a dude wrestle with his id; but most of the time, the vicarious pleasure disappears when I'm appealed to so basely.
Also, since when is Liam Neeson the Interplanetary Ninja King? That segment of the preview was like a flashback to the X-Files episode "Pusher" -- oh yes, he trained with Gurkas in Nepal, and Ninjas, and has deeply studied the tantric art of withdrawing his testicles into his torso. A bit much, you know? Even for a rootless, disturbed billionaire.
A bit much, you know? Even for a rootless, disturbed billionaire.
Having gotten completely sucked into the comics, *nothing* strikes me as a bit much for Batman anymore. The dude redefines "fucked up."