Really enjoyed the Qi-Gon vs Darth Maul fight scene with the partitions.
When they're stuck in the partitions is a great, rare moment of Lucas showing and not telling.
ETA: And I was less than a year old when Star Wars was released. I have vague memories of seeing Empire in the theatre and more solid ones of seeing Jedi (most clearly of my then 4 or 5 year-old cousin leaping to his feet during the Endor battle shouting "Go, teddy bears!")
I read the
Star Wars
novelization a month or so before the movie opened. However, I didn't actually see the movie until about three days after it opened - pro'lly because the closest theater showing it was 40 miles away, so we had to wait for a weekend.
I have vague memories of seeing Empire in the theatre and more solid ones of seeing Jedi
Yeah, this is my experience, but it seems like I don't remember a time when the trilogy wasn't part of my consciousness.
Did anybody else read "Splinter of the Mind's Eye?" It was ok'd by Lucasfilm, but definitely existed outside of the original trilogy's storyline. IIRC, it was published between Star Wars and Empire, and took the "Luke and Leia hook up" path. I thought it was pretty well done, and a lot better than some of the later Star Wars-verse books.
After begging my parents to see Star Wars for months, the family went and saw it in August, because they finally got a clue that might be good. Everyone else in the neighborhood had seen it by then.
Did anybody else read "Splinter of the Mind's Eye?"
I can remember the cover, but I don't think I read it. Somehow.
I read Splinter of the Mind's Eye. I also read three Han Solo books: Han Solo at Stars' End and a couple of others whose titles escape me. I was very much the Han Solo fangirl as a teenager. Luke only got interesting to me in RotJ.
I saw Star Wars in the theater in 1977. The older sister of my best friend took the two of us, as we were too young to see it alone. For years the only thing I remembered about the movie was the guy getting his arm sliced off in the bar scene. I didn't see the other two movies in the original trilogy in the theater until the reissue a few years back.(I did see them on tape)
I was dissapointed by the arm getting chopped off. In the novel the guy gets split in half, from head to toe.
Did anybody else read "Splinter of the Mind's Eye?"
Alan Dean Foster. I probably still have the copy around somewhere. I enjoyed that book quite a lot. Lucasfilm hadn't yet become so adept at feeding the fan hunger, so I was so pleased to find it at the time.