I used to wonder if the Force would ever become a religion (or at least a cult) - we're due for a new one, after all.
Yeah, the Mormons have really grown up, haven't they? Lost their cult status . . . .
Nothing important happens in either Ep 1 or 2.
You do find out that Yoda can flip around. Oh, and that Anakin has more chemistry with R2D2 than Natalie Portman.
Anakin has more chemistry with R2D2 than Natalie Portman.
BWAHHH it's funny 'cause it's true!
I was 4 when Star Wars came out
I was a freshman in college ::shakes cane::
I was negative thirty-nine months. This makes no one feel better.
but I'm still trying to think of something essential.
TPM: Midichlorians introduced
AotC: Anakin's mom dies.
I think that's it.
Oh, and why General Grievous coughs was explained in The Clone Wars Vol II (the animated thingie).
I should watch that. It's been sitting on the Tivo for however long it's been since it aired.
AotC: Anakin's mom dies.
AotC: Worst romantic dialogue in the history of civilization. Vows of celibacy increase tenfold.
Also, we learn that apparently when you're trying to get someone to stop hitting on you, you should tell him so in front of a nice fire. While dressed in skin-tight leather. 'Cause that's going to work real well.
why General Grievous coughs
My youngest tried to explain it to me, but all I got out of it was lots of little boy sound effects with jumping around and then he almost bashed me with his lightsabre. Now I'm curious - I might have to pull out the tapes of Clone Wars.
My youngest tried to explain it to me, but all I got out of it was lots of little boy sound effects with jumping around and then he almost bashed me with his lightsabre.
It's actually really simple--Mace Windu uses the force to fuck up Grevious a bit - some of his "ribs" get bent up, and he starts coughing...
A minor part of the whole saga, but some people have seen Ep III and were confused by his coughing.
A minor part of the whole saga, but some people have seen Ep III and were confused by his coughing.
'Cause he's a robot. He doesn't breathe. Even after reading your whitefont, I'm wondering
why doesn't he just get his voicebox thingy repaired?
What's the point of being a robot if you can't fix things like that?
So, less confused than irritated.
AotC: Worst romantic dialogue in the history of civilization
True, but hardly essential, unless you're trying to convince yourself that the romantic dialogue in RotS could be a lot worse because it does not contain the line "I hate sand. It's irritating and it gets everywhere. Not like you."
Actually, he's a cyborg. He has a reptilian head (behind armour) - how much more is organic isn't known.
Also, the stuff I whitefonted happens immediatly before the beginning of Ep III, so there was no time to fix things.