I don't hate Phantom Menance or Attack of the Clones. But cool lightsaber fights allow me to forgive a lot. Which is the only thing the prequel movies have over the original--much better choreographed fight scenes. That and it gives me a large measure of cruel amusement that Jar Jar is responsible for the destruction of the Republic.
I actually re-watched PM the other day while washing dishes and found that as soon as I was done and could actually sit down and watch the urge to just skip ahead to Obi Wan and Qui-Gon's battle with Darth Maul was too strong to resist.
I saw EPs 1&2 at midnight showings. Episode 3 will probably involve me going to a matinee this weekend, wearing my Han Shot First shirt.
Most reviews say that SW:E3-RotS is much better than PM or AotC. Many reviews say it's better than Return of the Jedi.
I'm really looking forward to it, but I might have to wait until I get back from New Orleans to see it.
Wired's review of RotS.
I agree with everything they say, except that I thought the pod race in TPM blew. (For people who've been avoiding spoilers -- you freaks -- , this is the least spoilery review I've seen yet.)
For people who've been avoiding spoilers -- you freaks --
That's becoming more of a compliment for me than an insult.
Most reviews say that SW:E3-RotS is much better than PM or AotC. Many reviews say it's better than Return of the Jedi.
I realize this. The problem is after Eps 1&2 I'm much more willing to take convinience and low-cost over fanaticism. I still have a few friends who feel otherwise, but it's no longer worth literally losing sleep over to me.
Now, if there's midnight showings of Serenity in September, sign me up.
Now, if there's midnight showings of Serenity in September, sign me up.
In my new Entertainment Weekly there's an article about Lucas and the styles of Eps 1 & 2. (He apparently made them in the same style as the original 3 but goes into more detail.) It's an interesting article and gives clues as to what questions are answered by RotS.
That's becoming more of a compliment for me than an insult.
Um--okay. Since it wasn't actually intended as an insult.
Well, yeah, I got that, but it used to be an insult, right? (I know it was originally said with affection.)
I work at a movie theater, and we've been getting these "Flick" magazine-ad things to hand out with Star Wars tickets. A few interesting tidbits, a crossword puzzle, etc. The first page is an ad touting this website.
Thoughts? From me, it provokes a mix of "aww, how sweet" and "sweet burning Jeebus, can I please kill the man?"
Huh. I used to wonder if the Force would ever become a religion (or at least a cult) - we're due for a new one, after all. That site makes it seem possible.
(although I'm kind of that way about LOTR, but the book not the movies)