Heh. Outside of STRIPES, BLUE THUNDER and DILLINGER, when didn't he? Mostly kidding, but boy talk about your early type-casting.
Sometimes he played a coked-out layabout. And sometimes an existential cockfighter. Who's also drunk. And lazy. Must be something about that face.
but boy talk about your early type-casting
Can anyone say, "R. Lee Ermey"?
Boy, he could have ruled in the role of a romantic comedy lead! Especially if it's a romantic comedy about angry, anal-retentive ex-Marines who shout a lot.
Can anyone say, "R. Lee Ermey"?
Boy, he could have ruled in the role of a romantic comedy lead! Especially if it's a romantic comedy about angry, anal-retentive ex-Marines who shout a lot.
Loves me some Gunney.
I finally saw Ray last night. Jamie Foxx killed me. I was in tears at every flash back scene.
What is your major malfunction, numbnuts!?!??!?
I love the guy and his particular schtick. But man, I CAN'T STAND Full Metal Jacket. It disturbs me. That and the fact that it's almost two distinct films jars the hell out of me.
Meet-cute at 0900, maggot! Followed by hours of wacky misunderstandings! DID YOU HEAR ME! WACKIER! WACKIER! YOUR MOTHER ISN'T HERE TO HELP YOU, SWEETHEART! You have until 1800 hours to achieve monkey love, and when I say monkey love, I expect MONKEY LOVE!
I finally saw Ray last night. Jamie Foxx killed me. I was in tears at every flash back scene.
Lost it in the scene with the brother. Lost. It. Turned off the tv, went outside, had a shot, did some heroin lost it.
Spoilery reveiw (FAQ, actually) of both
on AICN: [link]
x-post with Firefly spoilers.
It's all on one link. If you want to read the
stuff but don't want to be spoilded for
just do a 'find' for "Serenity" - it's about a third of the way down.